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Side Events

* The side events below are arranged in alphabetical order by organisation name.
* Details below are subject to further updates from organisations.

1. African Network of Data Protection Authorities (RAPDP)

Topic: Meeting of African DPAs
Speaker(s): Open discussion
Description: Regional Dialogue of the African DPAs under the chairmanship of the CNIL of Benin, head of RAPDP.
Time/Venue: 25 Sep 2017 1:30pm – 3pm; Harbour Room I (M/F)
Prior Registration: Required (African DPAs delegates are invited to register to the meeting by email at [email protected])


2. Ant Financial Services Group

Topic: Building a Cashless Society with TechFin
Speaker(s): Alex NIE, Chief Privacy Offier, Ant Financial Services Group
Description: Speakers will share how Ant Financial and its partners develop comprehensive and efficient financial and lifestyle services for numerous users based on ‘Zhima Credit’, the credit scoring system developed by Ant, and how users’ privacy and data security will be protected.
Time/Venue: 27 Sep 2017 1:30pm – 3pm; Rose (Lower Level II)
Prior Registration: Required (Please register at [email protected] and [email protected])


3. Centre for Information Policy Leadership (CIPL)

Topic: How Can DPAs Maximise Effectiveness, Engagement and Leadership within the Context of Increased Responsibilities and Limited Resources?
Speaker(s): Moderator:

  • Bojana Bellamy, President, CIPL


  • Richard Thomas, Global Strategy Advisor, CIPL
  • Professor Christopher Hodges, Head of CMS Research Program on Civil Justice Systems, Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, University of Oxford
  • Stephen Kai-yi Wong, Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong
  • Giovanni Buttarelli, European Data Protection Supervisor
  • Helen Dixon, Irish Data Protection Commissioner
  • Stephen Kai-yi Wong, Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong
  • Hugh Stevenson, Deputy Director, Office of International Affairs, US Federal Trade Commission
  • Kara Sutton, Senior Manager, Global Regulatory Cooperation at U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Description: This interactive session with data protection authorities (DPAs), industry representatives and academics on data protection for the trusted information age will launch the Discussion Paper on “Regulating for Results in the Digital World – Strategies & Priorities for Leadership and Engagement”, which CIPL will publish to coincide with this Conference in Hong Kong. Richard Thomas has led CIPL’s work, which draws extensively on Professor Christopher Hodges’s study on effective regulation and how regulators can secure the best corporate behaviours.

The challenges and expectations of the digital age require changes to the way organisations and DPAs work. Organisations must deliver accountability and digital responsibility. DPAs need to determine whether and how they can prioritise across their increased responsibilities in ways that produce the best outcomes for individuals and data protection compliance. DPAs and regulated organisations need to work effectively together on these shared objectives.

Discussion topics will include:

  • When the challenges and expectations of the digital age are so great – and especially when resources are limited – what are the most promising ways for DPAs to engage constructively with others to ensure that the regulation of data protection will produce the best outcomes for individuals?
  • When the responsibilities of most DPAs are so numerous, what are the best ways to achieve overall effectiveness?
  • What can we learn from approaches in many other spheres of regulation?
  • Does a results based approach offer helpful ways for DPAs to set strategic priorities and balance engagement, enforcement and complaint-handling?
  • How can DPAs drive best behaviors and encourage best practices by regulated organisations?
  • What is the role of organisational accountability in supporting effective data protection regulation?
Time/Venue: 25 Sep 2017 3:30pm – 5pm; Lotus, Jasmine & Laurel (Lower Level I)
Prior Registration: Required (please email to Malachi Clarington at [email protected] before 15 Sep 2017)


4. Center for Democracy & Technology

Topic: Privacy Bridges and User Control
  • Jacob Kohnstamm, Chair, Privacy Bridges project
  • Kristina Irion, Senior researcher, Institute for Information Law (IViR) at the University of Amsterdam
  • Nuala O’ Connor, President & CEO, Center for Democracy & Technology (CDT)
Description: A meeting of members of the Privacy Bridges Advisory Board that has been overseeing the work on the report we are presenting, in addition to some of the company attendees at the conference that would have an interest in the topic.
Time/Venue: 27 Sep 2017 1:30pm – 3pm; Kowloon Room II (M/F)
Prior Registration: Required (Please register at [email protected])


5. Common Thread Network

Topic: Annual General Meeting
Speaker(s): TBC
Description: Annual General Meeting
Time/Venue: 25 Sep 2017 3:30pm – 5pm; Harbour Room I (M/F)
Prior Registration: Required (Please contact the CTN Secretariat at: [email protected])


6. Council of Europe (CoE) and ICANN

Topic: ICANN and Privacy
  • Jan Kleijssen, Director of Information Society and Action against Crime, Council of Europe
  • Joseph Cannataci, UN Special Rapporteur on Right to privacy, UN
  • Giovanni Buttarelli, European Data Protection Supervisor, EU
  • Theresa Swinehart, Senior Vice President, ICANN
  • Becky Burr, Member of the Board, ICANN
Description: This event will aim at discussing the relevance of privacy and data protection considerations and inclusions into ICANN policies and will contribute to a better mutual understanding of the underlying privacy issues.
Time/Venue: 27 Sep 2017 1:30pm – 3pm; Camomile (Lower Level II)
Prior Registration: Not Required


7. Department of Commerce, USA

Topic: An Update: the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield one year later
  • Shannon Coe, Data Flows and Privacy Team Leader, U.S. International Trade Administration
  • Bruno Gencarelli, Head of the International Data Flows and Protection Unit, DG Justice and Consumers, European Commission
  • Hugh Stevenson, Deputy Director for International Consumer Protection, U.S. Federal Trade Commission
Description: Following the first annual review, representatives from the European Commission, the U.S. Department of Commerce, and the U.S. Federal Trade Commission will provide an update of the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework, including program implementation and enforcement actions, as well as reporting on the annual review and future cooperation on Privacy Shield.
Time/Venue: 25 Sep 2017 1:30pm – 3pm; Kowloon Room II (M/F)
Prior Registration: (TBC)


8. Digital Asia Hub, Hong Kong (DAH)

Topic: Artificial Intelligence and Trust: A Global Roundtable
  • Dr. Carlos Affonso Souza – Institute for Technology and Society of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Dr. Urs Gasser – Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society, Harvard University, USA
  • Dr Tatsuya Kurosaka, Keio University, Japan
  • Dr. Danit Gal, Peking University, China
  • Dr Suresh Venkatasubramanian, University of Utah, USA
  • J Carlos Lara, Derecho Digitales, Chile
  • Frederike Kaltheuner, Privacy International, UK
  • Malavika Jayaram, Digital Asia Hub, Hong Kong
  • Toshiki Yano, Google, Japan
  • Michael Veale, University College London, UK
Description: Given the data-intensive nature of approaches such as machine learning, and the increasing ubiquity of AI in everyday products and services, there is a growing interest within the privacy community to understand its implications. At the same time, a tremendous amount of innovation and entrepreneurship in the AI space is emerging from Asia and Latin America, not just western economies, to address local challenges. This global roundtable will focus on trust, which is essential to the relationship between governments and citizens, companies and users, as well as amongst users. As a concept fundamentally intertwined with privacy, while also being essential to social good and commerce, it is integral to the development of AI. This roundtable will explore barriers to trust, and solutions to address them, deriving from multiple disciplines.

The roundtable is designed to:

  • present a more inclusive approach to the issue of trust in AI, by shining a spotlight on developments in APAC and LatAm, while still locating them within the global discourse;
  • focus on concrete examples and use cases, to learn from what has worked in certain sectors, or for certain communities; and
  • generate a rich conversation about potential solutions and approaches to enhancing user safety and trust.
Time/Venue: 27 Sep 2017 3:30pm – 5pm; Kowloon Room I (M/F)
Prior Registration: Please register (through the URL below) to confirm your place and give us a sense of audience size (bonus: add your thoughts to our informal survey on AI and Trust!). We’re also happy to have walk-ins on the day subject to room size, do join.


9. Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC)

Topic: The Public Voice: Emerging Privacy Issues, A Dialogue Between NGOs and DPAs
Speaker(s): Panelists:

  • John Edwards, Privacy Commissioner, New Zealand; Chair of ICDPPC
  • Frederike Kaltheuner, Policy Officer, Privacy International
  • Jam Jacob, Legal and Policy Advisor, Foundation for Media Alternatives


  • Eduardo Bertoni, Personal Data Protection Commissioner, National Directorate for Personal Data Protection (NDPDP), Argentina
  • Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin, Chairman of the CNIL, Chairman of the Article 29 Working Party
  • Fanny Hidvégi, European Policy Manager, AccessNow
  • Pam Dixon, Executive Director, World Privacy Forum
Description: In the 21st Century, the protection of data security and fundamental rights requires a global response. Technological developments ranging from biometric identification, to big data, to artificial intelligence offer nations and corporations an unprecedented capacity for pervasive surveillance of individuals. Data privacy and basic security interests are threatened by core systems’ vulnerability to cyberattack. Nation states and other malicious actors capitalize on new information flows to distort public opinion. The internet ecosystem is dominated by few major players. Yet, simultaneously, individuals are empowered to push back – to track their governments, make political statements, create economic opportunity, and forge personal connections. Data protection authorities are on the front line of developing safeguards and standards, shaping technological change, and creating norms to protect privacy in the modern age. This Public Voice side event will feature a productive dialogue between NGOs and DPAs on these and other emerging privacy issues, and aims to forge solutions to today’s challenges.
Time/Venue: 25 Sep 2017 3:30pm – 5pm; Harbour Room II (M/F)
Prior Registration: Not Required


10. Facebook (1)

Topic: ‘Mini Design Jam’
  • Stephen Deadman, Global Deputy Chief Privacy Officer, Facebook
Description: To seize the opportunities of data, people need to feel in control of how it is used online. To give people real control you have to start with design. Every day, intuitive technologies are being designed that require no user training. We need to take the same approach to helping people understand how and why their data is used and putting them in control.

Over the last 6 months, along with partners, Facebook has piloted a unique programme called “Design Jam”. The sessions bring together diverse experts, from regulators to behavioural scientists, to learn about design thinking – the methods used by designers to make technology usable and our lives simpler. Design Jams are action-packed, high-energy days in which participants go from brainstorms to producing real digital prototypes for user trust, transparency and control of personal data. Events have already taken place in Berlin, Paris and Brussels.

At this 90 minute “mini design jam” event, participants will hear insights gleaned from the first events, learn about our vision for the future and even take part in a design experience of their own- using a guided design method to understand a user and implement their own design for an app.

Time/Venue: 27 Sep 2017 1:30pm – 3pm; Peony (Lower Level II)
Prior Registration: Required (through the URL below)


11. Facebook (2)

Topic: Building Impact with Data
  • Chaya Nayak, Facebook
Description: Data holds enormous potential for discovery and innovation. It promises to improve the lives of communities. Never has there been more data, nor more advanced analytical techniques with which to analyze and interpret information.

For the past year, Facebook has been partnering with local communities to host Building Impact workshops that engage local organizations and institutions in building research capacity to use data to solve organizational challenges. These workshops walk participants through the research process from ideation to implementation, and provide organizations with a platform to discuss the roadblocks, and privacy challenges they face in their research. Thus far, events have taken place in Canada, France, and Ghana.

This 90 minute workshop will take participants through interactive modules of Facebook’s data for good work, and use these modules as a way to discuss how to build innovative research initiatives that use data for good while protecting privacy. Participants will be provided interactive modules on iPads that allow them to explore Facebook Data for Good projects in depth such as Facebook Disaster Maps, Population Density Maps, and our Insights for Impact Program. They will then be encouraged to brainstorm on and share research challenges their organizations face, and will be taken through a workbook on how to address their research challenges while using cutting-edge privacy techniques and sound research design. The goal of the workshop is to give participants the toolset they need to solve research problems and meet other like-minded participants.

Time/Venue: 25 Sep 2017 1:30pm – 3pm; Lotus, Jasmine & Laurel (Lower Level I)
Prior Registration: Required (through the URL below)


12. Future of Privacy Forum (FPF) & Information Accountability Foundation (IAF)

Topic: Sustainable Innovation with Effective Data Protection in the Pacific Rim
  • Martin Abrams, Executive Director, IAF
Description: The Pacific Rim is a hot bed of innovation in observational technologies and applying them to practical applications driven by advanced analytics and artificial technologies. For these applications to be sustainable there needs to be policy mechanisms that are respectful of the diverse ethical and legal cultures in the region, and interoperable with other regions. This session will explore the application of information policy governance for new technologies emerging in the region.
Time/Venue: 25 Sep 2017 3:30pm – 5pm; Kowloon Room II (M/F)
Prior Registration: Not Required


13. GeneWatch UK

Topic: Establishing Best Practice for Forensic DNA Databases
  • Prof. Joseph Cannataci, Special Rapporteur on Privacy, United NationsDr. Helen Wallace, Director, GeneWatch UK
  • Mr. Anthony Jackson, Consultant, GeneWatch UK
Description: There will be a presentation on the launch of a new global report on human rights safeguards for DNA databases by the Forensic Genetics Policy Initiatives, followed by a Q&A; session at the end.
Time/Venue: 25 Sep 2017 1:30pm – 3pm; Harbour Room II (M/F)
Prior Registration: Not Required


14. GPEN (Global Privacy Enforcement Network)

Topic: CONNECTED THINKING – Enhancing Privacy Enforcement Strategies: New Cross-sectoral Connections in a Network of Networks
Speaker(s): TBC
Description: This members’ meeting will review the work done by GPEN in the past year, such as the GPEN Sweep, and the work plan for the coming year.
Time/Venue: 25 Sep 2017 1:30pm – 3pm; Harbour Room III (M/F)
Prior Registration: Required (GPEN Committee c/o [email protected])


15. International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP)

Topic: Enter the DPO: The Professionalization of Privacy and Data Protection
  • Trevor Hughes, CEO, IAPP
  • Sam Pfeifle, Content Director, IAPP
  • Omer Tene, VP of Research, IAPP
  • JoAnn Stonier, Global Privacy and Data Protection Officer, MasterCard
Description: Under Article 37 of the GDPR, many organizations in the public and private sector are required to appoint a data protection officer (DPO). According to research by the IAPP, this portends the hiring of more than 75,000 new professionals into the privacy space. Other policymakers predict even higher numbers. Clearly, the privacy profession has arrived. Like any new profession, privacy requires an agreed upon body of knowledge that is recognized by governments or standard setting institutions, and credentials based on standardized testing.

The GDPR does not say much about the necessary professional credentials for the DPO job. Under Article 37, a DPO must have “expert knowledge of data protection law and practices.” But on the ground, privacy professionals are required to fulfill a wide variety of tasks, ranging from crafting privacy policies, procedures and governance structures; providing privacy related awareness and training throughout the organization; responding to privacy and security incidents; managing privacy communications; designing and implementing privacy controls; managing privacy issues arising with new and existing products; conducting privacy-related employee monitoring and investigations; helping with privacy staff development; and participating in privacy-related data committees. These tasks are not common knowledge and cannot be performed off the side of the desk. This means that privacy professionals need substantive education, training and in appropriate cases certification.

What is required to develop privacy professionals at scale? In this session, leaders of the IAPP, the world’s largest association of privacy professionals, discuss the formation of the privacy profession.

  • What are the skills necessary to perform privacy jobs in a high-tech data intensive environment?
  • What kind of training fits different roles in different organizations?
  • How can an organization distinguish among the plethora of training programs available on the market today?
  • What are the characteristics of professional certification and what are the components of a certification scheme?

(The IAPP is pleased to offer 1.5 CPE credits for attendance at this programme)

Time/Venue: 27 Sep 2017 3:30pm – 5pm; Magnolia (Lower Level II)
Prior Registration: Required (through the URL below)


16. International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)

Topic: Data Protection in Humanitarian Action
  • Prof. Paul de Hert, Co-Director, Brussels Privacy Hub
  • Massimo Marelli, Head of Data Protection Office, International Committee of the Red Cross
  • Jean-Philippe Walter, Deputy Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (Switzerland)
  • Alexandrine Pirlot de Corbion, Advocacy Officer, Privacy International
  • Giovanni Buttarelli, European Data Protection Supervisor
  • Christina Vasala Kokkinaki, Legal Officer, Office of the Legal Counsel (LEGLC), Office of Legal Affairs, International Organization for Migration
  • Marie-Charlotte Roques-Bonnet, Director of EMEA Privacy Policy, Microsoft
  • Lucie Laplante, General Counsel of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
  • M. Alexander Beck, Senior Data Protection Officer, UNHCR
Description: This panel event will explore issues surrounding the application of data protection and privacy principles in humanitarian action, to coincide with the launch of the Handbook on Data Protection in Humanitarian Action. The aim is to use the Handbook’s wide-ranging scope – encompassing the expert contributions made by the humanitarian, academic and private sectors and civil society as part of the 2016 working series organized by the International Committee of the Red Cross Data Protection Office and the Brussels Privacy Hub – as a springboard for discussion.

Drawing on the subjects and recommendations set out in the Handbook, the panellists will also consider the implications of applying new technologies – such as biometrics, big data and data analytics, cash-transfer programming, instant messaging applications, cloud-based solutions and drones – to humanitarian work.

Time/Venue: 27 Sep 2017 3:30pm – 5pm; Harbour Room I (M/F)
Prior Registration: Required (send your request to [email protected] by 18 September 2017)


17. Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA)

Topic: Application of Privacy Bridge Project to Asia – in a manner that respects the substantive and procedural differences among the Asian jurisdictions
  • Mr. Jacob Kohnstamm, Former Chairman of Dutch Data Protection Authority
  • Mr. Yun, Jaesuk, Korea Internet & Security Agency
  • Professor. Kim, Beomsoo, Yonsei University, Korea
Description: We, KISA, are holding the Asia Privacy Bridge Forum as a side event of 39th ICDPPC (September 25, 2017) to identify practical steps to bridge gaps between the existing approaches to data privacy among Asian countries/jurisdictions and to build a network of collaboration on the relevant matters with them.

We hold Asia Privacy Bridge Forum annually since 2016 in an effort to continue sharing information on the relevant policies with other Asian countries and hope it to become an effective intergovernmental forum for matters related to personal information protection.

In this regard, we would like to invite you to the Asia Privacy Bridge Forum (side event) for joint discussion on “Application of Privacy Bridge Project to Asia – in a manner that respects the substantive and procedural differences among the Asian jurisdictions”. Kindly refer to the details below.

  • 15:30pm – 15:40pm (10min)
    Privacy Bridge Project – Main ideas and motivations behind the Privacy Bridge Project
    ※ Presenter : Mr. Jacob Kohnstamm, Former Chairman of Dutch Data Protection Authority
  • 15:40pm – 15:50pm (10min)
    Asia Privacy Bridge Forum (1) – What is the Asia Privacy Bridge Forum?
    ※ Presenter : Mr. Yun, Jaesuk, KISA
  • 15:50pm – 16:00pm (10min)
    Asia Privacy Bridge Forum (2) – How to collaborate with academia
    ※ Presenter : Prof. Kim, Beomsoo, Yonsei Univ.
  • 16:00pm – 16:30pm (30min)
    (Discussion) Application of Privacy Bridge Project to Asia – in a manner that respects the substantive and procedural differences among the Asian Jurisdictions
Time/Venue: 25 Sep 2017 3:30pm – 5pm; Harbour Room III (M/F)
Prior Registration: Required (through the URL below)


18. Microsoft

Topic: AI & ML @ Microsoft: The Responsible Amplification of Human Ingenuity
  • Dr. Chris White, Principal Researcher, Microsoft Research AI
  • Dr. Rich Caruana, Senior Researcher, Microsoft Research AI
  • Julie Brill, Corporate Vice President and Deputy General Counsel for Global Privacy and Regulatory Affairs, Microsoft
Description: With the proper values instilled in the people and institutions creating M.L. and A.I. innovations, there is tremendous potential for responsibly amplifying the ingenuity and intelligence of human beings. This talk, featuring two leading data scientists from Microsoft, and Julie Brill, former U.S. Federal Trade Commissioner, will highlight how data, used carefully and responsibly, can make a positive difference in the world, from fighting human trafficking to addressing intractable problems in the medicine. While challenging some cherished privacy norms around the collection and use of sensitive personal data types, this talk will also address the importance of intelligibility and transparency in algorithmically-powered analysis and decision making, and offer insights on how it can be achieved.
Time/Venue: 27 Sep 2017 3:30pm – 5pm; Rose (Lower Level II)
Prior Registration: TBC


19. Nymity Inc

Topic: Demonstrating Compliance to Regulators – Part II: From Theory to Practice
  • Teresa Troester-Falk, Chief Global Privacy Strategist and former Associate General Counsel (Privacy), Information Services, Nymity
  • Bojana Bellamy, President, Centre for Information Policy Leadership at Hunton & Williams LLP
  • Terry McQuay, President & Founder, Nymity
  • David Smith (Via video conference), EU Research Advisor and former Deputy Commissioner & Director of Data Protection UK Information Commissioners Office, Nymity
  • Jennifer Stoddart, Regulator Advisor – Demonstrating Compliance Project and former Privacy Commissioner of Canada, Nymity
  • Paul Breitbarth, Director of EU Certification Research and Senior Solutions Advisor and former Senior International Officer, Dutch DPA, Nymity
  • José Alejandro Bermúdez, Managing Director, Latin America and former Colombian Superintendent for Personal Data Protection, Nymity
  • Karolina Mojzesowicz, Deputy Head of Unit Data Protection in the DG for Justice and Consumer with the European Commission
Description: This event builds on the first Demonstrating Compliance event, hosted by Nymity during the 38th International Privacy Conference in Marrakesh, Morocco. The event is part of a three-year Nymity-funded research project into Demonstrating Compliance to a Rule of Law and into Certification of a Privacy Program.

In this interactive sessions, representatives from Nymity will present and discuss a number of topics with participants:

an evidence-based structured approach to accountability, that will help organisations to comply with a rule of law in any jurisdiction, and will help regulators/ data protection authorities with compliance assessments during investigations, inspections and audits;
benchmark data from a multitude of companies, providing insight in the technical and organizational measures implemented to meet their legal requirements;
a possible approach to obtain certifications based on the evidence, that could serve as a base for cross-border data transfers.

Attendees will receive copies of the following Nymity Research initiatives:

1. Demonstrating Compliance to Regulators (Part 2) Paper
2. Demonstrating Compliance Benchmarking Study
3. Next Generation PIAs – The Accountability PIA Paper
4. Call for a New Privacy Principle – “Maximizing Benefits to Individuals” (Feedback Release)
5. Nymity Data Processing Benefits Framework (Feedback Release)
Time/Venue: 27 Sep 2017 1:30pm – 3pm; Harbour Room I (M/F)
Prior Registration: Required (through the URL below)


20. OneTrust

Topic: Operationalise Accountability and Privacy by Design: What to Automate in Your Privacy Programme
  • Andrew Clearwater, Director of Privacy, OneTrust
  • Dr. Philipp Raether, Group Chief Privacy Officer, Allianz
  • Florence Raynal, Head of the Department of European and International Affairs, CNIL
  • Wojciech Wiewiórowski, Assisstant Supervisor, EDPS
  • James Dipple-Johnstone, Deputy Commissioner – Operations, ICO
Description: With impending data protection regulation requirements, global organizations will need to build the principles of privacy by design into all of their business processes and be able to demonstrate accountability. In this session, learn about the different parts of a privacy programme from PIA/DPIAs, data mapping, consent management, and cookie compliance to subject rights requests and vendor risk management. Discover how your organization can streamline privacy management through software automation, and where humans are absolutely essential.

Key Takeaways:

  • How to best implement efficient and effective data handling practices in the face of the new GDPR requirements.
  • Learn how to use PIAs and data maps to document and track new initiatives and demonstrate compliance.
  • Practical tips for how privacy practitioners assess current practices to determine what can and cannot be automated.
Time/Venue: 27 Sep 2017 3:30pm – 5pm; Peony (Lower Level II)
Prior Registration: Required (through the URL below)
Details/URL: For Registration:

For Evening Social Event:


21. Personal Information Protection Commission, Japan (PPC Japan)

Topic: CBPR Workshop
  • Masao Horibe, Chairman, PPC, Japan
  • Tsuzuri Sakamaki, Counsellor, PPC, Japan
  • Shannon Coe, Data Flows & Privacy Team Lead, U.S. Department of Commerce
  • Masataka Saito, Director of Accredited Personal Information Protection, JIPDEC, Japan
  • Josh Harris, Director of International Regulatory Affairs, TRUSTe, USA
  • Harvey Jang, Director, Global Privacy and Data Protection, CISCO, USA
  • John Miller, Vice President, Global Policy and Law, Cybersecurity and Privacy, ITI
  • Jeong Soo Lee, Deputy Director, Privacy Protection Cooperation Team, Korea Communications Commission
  • Yeong Zee Kin, Deputy Commissioner, PDPC, Singapore
Description: This workshop will look into ways of encouraging increased participation in the CBPR system by government stakeholders and business operators in APEC economies. There will be a presentation followed by panel discussion.
Time/Venue: 27 Sep 2017 1:30pm – 3pm; Magnolia (Lower Level II)
Prior Registration: Not Required


22. Smart City Consortium

Topic: Press Release: Advisory Report on promoting Hong Kong as an international Data Hub
  • Mr. Eric YEUNG, President, Smart City Consortium
  • Mr. Vincent CHAN, MH, Data Hub Alliance
  • Mr. Keith YUEN, Partner, Advisory Services, Ernest and Young
  • Mr. Alan LEE, Executive Director, Advisory Services, Ernest and Young
  • Mr. Herbert CHIA, Chairman of Data Hub Committee, Smart City Consortium
Description: Smart City Consortium is committed to promoting Hong Kong as Smart City at an international level. We have commissioned Ernst & Young Advisory Services to study for the international and China data outbound safety guidelines and the opportunities and advantages that Hong Kong can take and to become Cross-border Data Operations Centre. We will publish this advisory report at the press conference which held on 27th September, 2017.
Time/Venue: 27 Sep 2017 1:30pm – 3pm; Kowloon Room I (M/F)
Prior Registration: Not Required


23. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Secretariat & International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners Secretariat (ICDPPC) & Asia Pacific Privacy Authorities (APPA)

Topic: Towards an International Metrics Agenda for Privacy-Policy Making
Speaker(s): Moderator:

  • Jennifer Stoddart, former Privacy Commissioner of Canada (2003-13), host of 29th ICDPPC (Montreal, 2007) and Chair of several OECD experts groups on privacy


  • Elettra Ronchi PhD, Head of Unit- Senior Policy Analyst, Digital Economy and Policy Division, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
  • Blair Stewart, Assistant Privacy Commissioner, New Zealand, and ICDPPC Secretariat
  • Michael McEvoy, Deputy Information and Privacy Commissioner, British Columbia, and APPA Secretariat and Chair APPA Governance Committee
  • Steve Wood, Deputy Commissioner (Policy) at the Information Commissioner’s Office, United Kingdom
Description: The meeting will report on current efforts to understand and improve the availability of internationally comparable metrics for privacy policy making and continue and promote a discussion on advancing a privacy metrics agenda. The meeting will include presentations in relation to ongoing international projects. There will be an opportunity for an open discussion on how best to take this work forward and, in particular, how to make the most of opportunities for collaboration between international bodies engaged with the issues.
Time/Venue: 27 Sep 2017 3:30pm – 5pm; Camomile (Lower Level II)
Prior Registration: Required (please email to [email protected])


24. UN-Digital Asia Hub-EDPS

Topic: Thinking local, acting global: exploring common values that underpin privacy around the world
Speaker(s): Welcome:

  • Mr. Stephen Kai-yi Wong, Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong

Opening remarks:

  • Prof. Joseph Cannataci, Special Rapporteur on Privacy, United Nations
  • Ms. Malavika Jayaram, Executive Director, Digital Asia Hub, Hong Kong
  • Mr. Giovanni Butarrelli, European Data Protection Supervisor


  • Mrs Teki Akuetteh Falconer, ICT Law & Data Protection Specialist, Ghana
  • Prof. Hiroshi Miyashita, Associate Professor of Law at Chuo University, Japan
Description: With the aim of this fully interactive session to explore the values that underpin privacy around the world, we invite data protection and privacy regulators, as front line witnesses, to discuss what privacy means in their countries, taking into account specificities such as

  • society of individuals vs. collective;
  • the extent to which religion determines behaviours & ethics;
  • expectations and attitudes towards men, women and children;
  • the use of technology.
Time/Venue: 25 Sep 2017 1:30pm – 3pm; 3:30pm – 5pm; Kowloon Room I (M/F)
Prior Registration: Required (Please register at [email protected])



Topic: Multi-stakeholder Consultation on UNESCO Project Defining Internet Indicators
Speaker(s): In-Person Moderator:

  • Ms. Xianhong Hu, Communication and Information Sector of UNESCO

Multistakeholder Thematic Speakers:

  • Ms. Malavika Jayaram, Executive Director, Digital Asia Hub, Hong Kong
  • Mr. Jan Kleijssen, Director, Information Society and Action against Crime Directorate
  • Ms. Bojana Bellamy, President, Centre for Information Policy and Leadership
  • Dr. Mario Oetheimer, Head of Sector Information Society, Privacy and Data Protection, EU Fundamental Rights Agency
  • Ms. Bojana Bellamy, President, Centre for Information Policy and Leadership
  • Mr. Stephen Kai-yi Wong, Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong
  • Mr. Marc Rotenberg, President of EPIC
  • Mr. Jack Linchuan Qiu, Professor of the Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Dr. Angus W.H. Cheong, Founder and CEO of ERS e-Research & Solutions

Data Protection Officers Focus Group Speakers:

  • Mr. Eduardo Bertoni, Director of Argentina DPA
  • Mr. Andrea Jelinek, Head of the Austrian DPA
  • National Commission for the Control and the Protection of Personal Data (Morocco)
  • Mr. John Edwards, Office of the Privacy Commissioner (New Zealand)
  • Mr. Giuseppe Busia, Garante per la protezione dei dati personali (Italy)
  • Ms. Elisabeth Denham, Information Commissioner’s Office (UK)
Description: UNESCO takes the occasion to present its new project “Defining Internet Universality Indicators” and engage with ICDPPC stakeholders, data protection commissioners, privacy experts and regional actors for their inputs and contributions. This is a part of UNESCO’s global consultation to develop a set of Internet Universality Indicators. The project is an immediate response following UNESCO’s adoption of the ‘CONNECTing the Dots’ Outcome document in 2015, where UNESCO put the concept of ‘Internet Universality’ at the heart of its work to promote an Internet that works for all. Internet Universality points to four fundamental norms – known for short as the ROAM principles – which are the guiding framework that promotes an Internet based on human rights, and the principles of openness, accessibility, and multi-stakeholder participation.

Within this context, UNESCO has commissioned several new studies as part of its flagship Internet Series publications, shedding light on the issues of Protecting journalism sources in digital ageHuman rights and encryption as well as Redefining the new boundaries of privacy, free expression and transparency.

The project aims to elaborate appropriate Internet Indicators, which can serve to enrich the stakeholders’ capacity for assessing Internet development, broaden international consensus, and foster online democracy and human rights towards knowledge societies engaged in sustainable development. These Indicators will help governments and other stakeholders to assess their own national Internet environments and to promote the values associated with Internet Universality. There will be a mix of quantitative and qualitative Indicators. The work on the project to define Internet Universality Indicators is being led for UNESCO by the Association for Progressive Communications (APC).

The ICDPPC is of high pertinence to the Internet Universality Indicators, particularly within the categories of the Rights-based and Accessibility Indicators. ICDPPC envisions an international environment where privacy and data protection authorities around the world are able effectively to fulfil their mandates through diffusion of knowledge and strengthening connections. ICDPPC is a nexus to Internet Universality as it is a space that allows actions to be focused on advancing global privacy in a digital age and thus enhance human rights and build veritable basis to achieve the ROAM principles.

The session will be an interactive roundtable discussion. It will start with a brief presentation of the draft Indicators by the moderator and brief remarks from the speakers. Some key questions will be asked to all participants regarding your experience of gathering and using Internet Indicators within your country/area of work or the most important issues related to human rights, openness, accessibility and multi-stakeholder approach that should be included in the Internet Universality Indicators.

Time/Venue: 27 Sep 2017 3:30pm – 5pm; Kowloon Room II (M/F)
Prior Registration: NOT Required (interested participants are encouraged to inform the organiser of their participation: [email protected])