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Executive Committee

The current Executive Committee is:


  • John Edwards, New Zealand Privacy Commissioner (Chair)
  • Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin, CNIL, France
  • Daniel Therrien, Privacy Commissioner of Canada
  • Said Ihrai, Morocco National Commission for the Control and the Protection of Personal Data (Host 2016)
  • Stephen Kai-yi Wong, Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong (Host 2017)


    John Edwards was appointed New Zealand Privacy Commissioner in February 2014. Prior to this, John practiced law for over 20 years with a specialty in information law, representing a wide range of public and private sector clients. For 15 years John held a warrant as a district inspector for mental health and has also been a district inspector for intellectual disability services.

    NZ was elected to the Committee in 2013 and re-elected for a further 2 year term in 2015. John was elected Chair of the Executive Committee in 2014 and re-elected as Chair in 2015.

    Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin graduated in France from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales, the Ecole Nationale d’Administration and the Multimedia Institute. She held various posts with the Conseil d’Etat” from 1986 including roles related to internet rights. Isabelle became a State Counselor (“Conseiller d’Etat”) in November 2001. Isabelle has been a member of the French Data Protection Authority (“Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés”) since January 2004 and its Chair since 2011. In February 2014, Isabelle was elected as Chair of the EU Article 29 Working Party.

    Isabelle was elected to the Committee in 2014.


    Daniel Therrien was appointed Privacy Commissioner of Canada in 2014 after three decades as a lawyer with various federal government departments that regularly deal with human rights issues. He began his federal government career practising correctional law before moving into immigration law, becoming Assistant Deputy Attorney General responsible for the Public Safety, Defence and Immigration portfolio in 2005. In that capacity, Daniel served in a leadership role giving legal advice to government on public safety and national security issues. He was also instrumental in negotiating the privacy principles that now govern information sharing between Canada and the U.S. under the Beyond the Border accord.

    Daniel was elected to the Committee in 2015.

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    Professor Said Ihrai was appointed on August 31, 2010, Chairman of the National Commission for the control of personal data. Former Chairman of the session of the National Youth Council and the Future (NAYC), formerly University Rector and member of the Advisory Board for the regionalization Mr. S. Ihraï is also a member of the Steering Committee of the Royal Institute of Strategic Studies.

    Professor of International law and public Law, graduated from the University of Paris l-Sorbonne. Mr. S. Ihrai teaches at Mohammed V University and was Visiting Professor by several national and international universities. Mr. S. IhraÏ is the author of numerous books and articles on Morocco’s external relations, humanitarian law, public law of the sea and the collective security under the United Nations system”.

    Said joined the Committee in 2015 as the host of the 38th Conference.

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    Stephen Kai-yi Wong was appointed Privacy Commissioner of Hong Kong in August 2015. Prior to this Stephen was a practising barrister in private practice and the Secretary to the independent advisory body, the Law Reform Commission of Hong Kong (LRC). Before serving at the LRC, Stephen had been a legal counsel in the Department of Justice from 1986 to 2007 (the then Attorney General’s Chambers before 1997), assuming various posts including Assistant Director of Public Prosecutions and Deputy Solicitor General. Being an expert in human rights law, he was involved in the legislative process of the 1991 Hong Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance, and was subsequently on loan to the United Nations Human Rights Committee in Geneva for one year until 1992.

    Hong Kong joined the Committee in 2016 as the host of the 39th Conference.